
Pamela von Sabljar

How Can We Be at Service to the Emergent Future?

On Eros and Emergence



Life is movement - an unfolding mystery fuelled by Eros - it has its own kind of intelligence.

Eros is a force, a principle that moves the whole universal evolution, the force that fuels the mystery of life.

Some call it source of creation.

The source is eternal and universal. 

It is based on these principles, it surrounds, interconnects and organizes the evolutionary process in the direction of more complexity, prosperity, grace and beauty.  

Another principle, it is communicating with us through our deepest desires, that is the language of the evolutionary impulse of Eros.

We are in the face of a possibility in the midst of the global meta-crisis. To leap in human consciousness development where we can become self aware of this evolutionary process. To be conscious creators and co-creators of the emergent future. 

When we as individuals and groups take the power of choice and allow us to be re-embedded and interconnected with the wholeness and from there being in service of the emergent future.

That's where we live, lead and create -- from the evolutionary impulse, Eros itself.

Allowing us to get out of the way and turn up to that collaboration life wanted to establish with us from the very first beginning.

Don’t ask me how it works. I don't know. I have spent most of my life practicing to connect to it, get out of the way, to sense, live, lead, create and dialogue from it.

What I found so far is an ecology of practice, a group-psychoactive technology that allows us to cultivate a collective skill of shared awareness. A new gravity point in our consciousness that taps into the emergent future.

“This practice is about exploring what it takes to create an emergent space in a group - being perceptive to the space between us as we dialogue and attuning to what wants to be said, but hasn't yet. This is a chance to practice the art of 'speaking when spoken through' that can allow us to uncover hidden insights between us.” Pontus Grace Holmgren, Gro

Pamela von Sabljar is a new breed speaker, facilitator, and mentor working at the evolutionary edge. She espouses dialoguing, sensing, creating, and leading from this ever-emergent edge -- which she calls Living from Eros.
Words by Pamela von Sabljar
Pamela von Sabljar is a new breed speaker, facilitator, and mentor working at the evolutionary edge. She espouses dialoguing, sensing, creating, and leading from this ever-emergent edge -- which she calls Living from Eros.
